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Answers ExpeditionErmelo
Task 1:
Mission 1 = 1900 (youth building)
Mission 2 = 4 leeuwen on the electricity house
Mission 3 = out 2002 comes the Maxima tree
Exercise 2:
4church bells
Assignment 3:
10 lime trees
Assignment 4
Rebus outcome: Find the bookshop and write down the house number
House number of the bookshop = 131
Assignment 5
The number of windows of the station on the long side = 9
Assignment 6
Giant Tree of Life =16 letters
Assignment 7:
The last digit =1
Number of peacocks:
7peacocks on the expedition map
End code:
Did you know that you can also go on Expedition in the following cities? On Story Adventure!
Amsterdam, Alkmaar, Haarlem, Rotterdam and Breda
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